Seymour Johnson Air Force Base

Due to heightened security at Seymour Johnson Air Force Base, it has become necessary for students who wish to take classes with WCC at the Base to apply for a base pass. Security Forces uses the information from the Background Security Check to determine a student’s access to the Base; students may be denied access based on the results. Students are only contacted if there is an issue with the information submitted (ie. incorrect tag number, expired plates, or if denied base access). Students should fill out the security check form as soon as registering for base classes. The form is found on the WCC website at

A new BACKGROUND SECURITY CHECK (BSC) FORM must be submitted each 8 week term. To check the status of a BSC, students should contact the Visitor’s Center at (919) 722-1343.

Passes will not be issued until the first day of the class!  The Visitor's Center closes at 4:30 pm.


  1. Complete and submit the Background Security Check Form as soon as you register for classes. If classes begin the day you register, follow step 2. If you submitted your form before classes begin, go to step 3.
  2. If you registered for classes the day classes begin, fill out your form immediately. Security Forces will need to run a background check before you are issued a term pass. Report to the Visitor’s Center located to the right outside the main gate. You will receive a temporary pass to use until you have been cleared by the Base to attend classes. Once you have been cleared for classes, you will receive a pass to use for the remainder of the term.
  3. To obtain your pass, take the following items with you to the Visitor’s Center.  If it is later than 4:30 pm, you will need to meet the WCC SJAFB Programs Coordinator at the Visitor's Center by 5:00 pm on the first night of class.
    • Class Registration/Receipt (must show class dates and times)
    • Driver’s License/State ID
    • Valid/Signed Vehicle Registration Form
    • Proof of insurance from your insurance company with effective dates (vehicle registrations will not satisfy this requirement)
  4. Keep your base pass with you at all times while on the Base.
  5. Students will have an orientation with additional base information from their instructor on the first day of class.

NOTE: You must be able to drive yourself to and from classes. If you are unable to drive yourself but can ride to class with another student, list yourself as a RIDER under vehicle tag number and put your state ID in the box for driver’s license. Passes will not be issued for drivers only unless the student has a disability.

If you need more information, please contact the WCC SJAFB Programs Coordinator, Dori Fraser, at (919) 739-6765 OR