Student Attendance Policy

Wayne Community College expects students to gain skills, competencies and an awareness of a workplace ethic which emphasizes responsibility and commitment.

The College believes that when students attend class regularly they are demonstrating responsibility and commitment to their education. Students must attend 80 percent of the total class hours to receive a passing grade. Students must attend the class during the first 10 percent of the class to be considered enrolled in the class. Pre-curriculum students must attend 90 percent of the total class hours and must attend during the first 10 percent of the class. Instructors will not excuse absences under this policy. Absences due to late registration are counted as regular absences. Attendance in distance education courses is defined as online activity. Students should refer to course syllabi for specific attendance requirements.

If a student is in excellent academic standing, instructors may adjust the attendance procedures. Instructors expect students to make up missed work, but students cannot make up absences.

If a student drops, withdraws, or stops attending a class, he or she will receive a grade of “OW”, “W”,“WP”, or “WF”.

Programs in Allied Health, Aviation, BLET, High School Dual Enrollment, and courses leading to credentials have stricter attendance procedures than those stated here.

Each department has the right to set a reasonable policy regarding tardiness to class with the approval of the Vice President of Academic and Student Services.

Students may completely withdraw from the College at any time prior to exams and all grades will become “OW”’s. Students withdrawing from the College should contact the Office of Admissions and Records for the appropriate forms and procedure for official withdrawal.