Safety Tips

You are the key to your personal safety and the safety of others. By following the precautions listed below, you can substantially decrease your chances of becoming a crime statistic.

  • BE AWARE - Recognize your vulnerability.
  • REPORT all suspicious persons, vehicles, and activities to Campus Police immediately at (919) 739-7050 or call the switchboard by dialing ext. 0 on campus phones.
  • PROTECT your personal property. Keep your car locked at all times. Never leave valuables where they can be seen in your vehicle; lock them in your trunk. Do not leave any personal property lying around such as books, book bags, purses, or electronic devices.
  • KNOW the location of emergency call boxes, which are in most parking lots.
  • PARTICIPATE fully in the “WCC Alert” warning system by maintaining current e-mail, text, and phone contact numbers (all college e-mail accounts are automatically enrolled). The alert system is capable of delivering messages to web, e-mail, voice, and text messaging.