Safety/Security Awareness Programs

Campus Police Officers discuss safety and security procedures throughout the year at employee orientation sessions and College student success classes, referencing important safety reminders and procedures. College officials and guest speakers discuss safety and security issues during special programs and meetings throughout the school year, such as the annual safety fair.

The Chief of Campus Police publishes, when appropriate, serious incident reports through notification messages which are disseminated using bulletin boards, flyers, Web site, e-mail, text, voice, Magic-Net, and other announcement forms. The purpose of this notification is to aid in the prevention of similar occurrences.

During ACA orientation classes, students are informed of services offered by Campus Police. Presentations outline ways to maintain personal safety. The Annual Safety and Security Report is made available to students. Crime Prevention Programs and Sexual Assault Prevention Programs are offered. In addition to orientations and ACA classes, information is disseminated to students and employees through crime prevention awareness notices, security alerts, displays, e-mails, text messages, social media and in College publications, as appropriate.

Periodically, the WCC Campus Police Department, in cooperation with other College organizations and departments, present crime prevention awareness sessions on sexual assault (rape and acquaintance rape), Rohypnol abuse, theft, and vandalism, as well as educational sessions on personal safety.