Preventing and Responding to Sex Offenses

The College educates the student community about sexual assaults and date rape through orientations and ACA “College Success” classes. Campus Police offers sexual assault education and information programs to College students and employees upon request. Information and referrals concerning date rape education, risk reduction, and College response is available through the Counseling Services Department. The College is committed to providing a victim with multiple avenues of relief through both the Title IX administrative process and the general criminal prosecutorial process. Students wishing to avoid a criminal process may still find relief through the Title IX process. Students who experience, or have knowledge of, any sex offenses occurring on WCC property, or occurring between WCC students and employees, should report these incidences to the Director of Counseling Services at 919.739.6710 or

If you are a victim of a sexual assault at this institution, your first priority should be to get to a place of safety. You should then obtain necessary medical treatment. Campus Police strongly advocates that a victim of sexual assault report the assault immediately. Time is a critical factor for evidence collection and preservation. An assault should be reported directly to Campus Police and/or to a College Counselor. Filing a police report with Campus Police will not obligate the victim to prosecute, nor will it subject the victim to scrutiny or judgmental opinions from officers. Filing a police report will:

  • ensure that a victim of sexual assault receives the necessary medical treatment and tests, at no expense to the victim;
  • provide the opportunity for collection of evidence helpful in prosecution, which cannot be obtained later (ideally a victim of sexual assault should not wash, douche, use the toilet, or change clothing prior to a medical/legal exam);
  • assure the victim has access to free confidential counseling from counselors specifically trained in the area of sexual assault crisis intervention.

When a sexual assault victim contacts Campus Police, the Goldsboro Police Department, and/or the Wayne County Sheriff’s Office will be notified as well. A representative from the Counseling Services Department will also be notified. The victim of a sexual assault may choose to make a Student Code of Conduct charge to the Director of Counseling Services, however, without an official law enforcement investigation, proving the charge may be difficult. A College representative from Campus Police or the Counseling Services Department will guide the victim through the available options and support the victim in his or her decision. Counseling options are available from the Counseling Services Department. Counseling and support services outside the College can be obtained through the Wayne Uplift Resource Center.

College disciplinary proceedings are detailed earlier in this Student Handbook. A student found guilty of sexual misconduct in a criminal proceeding in the State courts could also face College disciplinary actions and may be suspended or expelled from the College. Student victims may request to change their academic situation after an alleged sexual assault if such changes are reasonably available.