PHY 151 College Physics I

This course uses algebra- and trigonometry-based mathematical models to introduce the fundamental concepts that describe the physical world. Topics include units and measurement, vectors, linear, kinematics and dynamics, energy, power, momentum, fluid mechanics, and heat. Upon completion, students should be able to demonstrate an understanding of the principles involved and display analytical problem-solving ability for the topics covered.  This course has been approved for transfer under the CAA as a general education course in Natural Science.  This course has been approved for transfer under the ICAA as a general education course in Natural Science.  This is a Universal General Education Transfer Component (UGETC) course.  This course is also available through the Virtual Learning Community (VLC).




MAT 171; RED 090 or ENG 095 or DRE 098 or ENG 002;Minimum grade P2




F, On Demand

Contact Hours