Accident and Medical Emergencies Procedure

If you have a medical emergency, call 911 for EMS and ext. 0 or (919) 739-7050 to notify the Office of Campus Police and give the location and nature of the situation. Wayne Community College maintains basic first aid boxes and AED’s (automated external defibrillators) in every building. Anything beyond basic first aid will require outside attention by a medical provider. Under College policy, no medicines will be dispensed by College staff. A limited supply of basic pain relievers, allergy medicines and other over-the-counter items may be found in the Bookstore during normal operating hours for personal purchase.

In general, accidents occurring during WCC-sponsored activities will be covered by student and/or College insurance. The College generally will not be responsible for medical transport or any hospital or medical provider fees for personal illnesses.

Should a medical emergency requiring more than basic first aid arise, the procedures posted on the red Emergency Medical Cards located throughout the campus should be followed.

  1. Call EMS immediately at 9-1-1 and then call Campus Police at (919) 739-7050 to notify them of the situation, location, and nature of the accident or illness. Campus Police will escort the ambulance to the scene.
  2. Do not move injured persons unless:
    1. you are absolutely certain about their condition; or
    2. the person is in more danger if they remain where they are.
  3. In the event of a seizure, do not restrain the victim. Clear the area around the victim of everything that could be a hazard. If possible, put the victim on their side. Never force the victim’s mouth open.

All accidents involving students must be reported to the Student Activities Coordinator or to Campus Police after hours. Accidents involving guests must also be reported to the Business Office. It is important that these notifications be made prior to transport if possible so that appropriate insurance documents may be prepared and related agencies notified. Failure to follow procedure could result in claims not being covered.