Fees and Insurance

Registration fees from $70 to $180* are charged to students in occupational extension classes depending upon the total class hours. Leisure and Recreational classes have a registration fee of $35 to $50. Classes that are recreational in nature are self-supporting. The amount of tuition for recreational classes is determined by the pro-rated cost per student it takes to conduct the course in accordance with legislation enacted by the 1973 North Carolina General Assembly (for example, instructor salary, facility rental, utilities, and instructional materials).

Pursuant to the North Carolina State Board of Community College Code, Title 1E SBCCC 200.98 (a)(3), a NON- REFUNDABLE Computer Technology Fee of $5 will be charged each semester to all individuals who take computer courses through Workforce Continuing Education Services. This technology fee is charged only once during a semester, regardless of how many computer classes an individual may register for and take. The technology fee was established to support the purchase, operations, and repair of computers and other instructional technology, including supplies and materials which support computer technology. This fee also supports Workforce Continuing Education computer classes held off campus at various locations.

Students have the option to pay the $.55 Student Accident Insurance fee for all Workforce Continuing Education courses that meet four or more weeks during a semester. This fee is paid once during a term regardless of the number of classes taken.

Both day and night students are required to display a parking decal for classes four weeks in length or more. The Student Parking Fee is $2. Parking decals must be purchased in the Workforce Continuing Education Services Office at the time of registration. Additionally, all Workforce Continuing Education students taking classes for four weeks or more must have an ID card. The ID card is $3 and must be purchased in the Workforce Continuing Education Services Office at the time of registration.

1 to 24 hours $70
25 to 50 hours $125
51+ hours $180
Leisure and Recreational $20 and up
Computer Technology Fee $5
Student Accident Insurance $0.55
New Student ID Card $3
Student Parking Fee $2
Semester Validation $1
Replacement ID Card $5
CE Transcripts $2

NOTE: Charges are subject to change. Students are expected to purchase supplies, materials, tools, and books required for the class. Instructional services and instructional materials are supplied by the College.