Photography and Recording

Wayne Community College uses photographs, audio, and video recordings of students for purposes of education, publicity, news, and recruitment.  An image or likeness may be captured by still photography, videography, or other photographic or electronic means while on the College campus, in or around College facilities, or at off-campus College-sponsored events.  The College reserves the right to use any such image, photograph, video, or the like for any College-related purpose in print publications, on the Internet, or in other media.

Students who do not want to be photographed or recorded are responsible for removing themselves from the area in which photography/recording is occurring.  Failure to do so may result in inclusion in a photograph or recording, which will be deemed equivalent to a release, and will allow the College to use that photograph or recording as it chooses.

Images and videos taken in public spaces or at public events do not require authorization for publication.  Presence in or around College facilities or properties, as well as at off-campus College-sponsored events, constitutes consent to the capture and use of image and/or voice by the College and waives any rights or claims.

In most cases, instructors have the final decision on allowing students to record classroom lectures.  Exceptions may be made in cases of documented disabilities.  Lectures may be recorded by the College.  Students are responsible for informing their instructors of any privacy needs.