Grade Forgiveness Policy

Students may submit a written request to the Vice President of Academic and Student Services to have grades earned at Wayne Community College, which are at least five years old, forgiven. Under this procedure, the student may request that previous grades of “D” or “F” not be used in calculating the grade point average. A record of all past work will remain in the student’s permanent file; however, the course grades that are forgiven will be prefixed with an “N”, and the grade and credit hours will not be calculated in the student’s grade point average.

To be eligible for grade forgiveness, students must be currently enrolled and have completed a minimum of 12 semester hours of required courses in the chosen program of study within the past year while maintaining an overall grade point average of 2.0 or above with no grade lower than a “C”.

The written request must include the following information:

  1. The course grades for which forgiveness is being requested
  2. The reason(s) the request is being made
  3. Name, address, and student identification number of the person making the request
  4. Copy of the current student transcript

If the request for grade forgiveness is approved by the Vice President of Academic and Student Services, a new transcript will be mailed to the student by the Director of Admissions and Records. If the student transfers to another institution, the grade forgiveness will be voided and his/her transcript will list all records of courses, including those that were excluded by grade forgiveness.

Recipients of federal financial aid or veteran’s benefits are not eligible for this forgiveness policy under federal guidelines and regulations. The student should contact the Financial Aid Office for information.