Encouraging Accurate and Prompt Crime Reporting

Community members, students, faculty, staff, and guests are encouraged to report all crimes and public safety related incidents to Campus Police in a timely manner. This publication focuses on Campus Police because it patrols the main campus, and the Wayne Executive Jetport sites. However, SJAFB Security Forces should be contacted when incidents, emergencies, or crimes occur at SJAFB Education Center.

  • To report a crime or an emergency from a College phone, call 9-1-1, call Campus Police at extension 7050, or, from outside the College phone system, (919) 739-7050.
  • To report a non-emergency security or public safety related matter, call extension 7050 or, from outside the College phone system, (919) 739-7050.
  • To report a crime the Wayne Executive Jetport, call 9-1-1 or (919) 739-7050.
  • To report a crime or emergency at SJAFB, call (919) 722-1211.
  • To report a non-emergency security or public safety related matter at SJAFB, call (919) 722-1211.
  • To report sexual assault on the base, call the Sexual Assault Response Coordinator at (919) 722-7272 or the Department of Defense Safe Helpline at (877) 995-5247.
  • To report a crime at all other off-campus events, activities, or classes, call 9-1-1.

In response to a call, Campus Police and/or SJAFB Security Forces will take the required action, dispatching an officer or asking the victim to report to Campus Police or the SJAFB Security Forces to file an incident report.

If assistance is required from the local law enforcement agencies or fire department, Campus Police will contact the appropriate unit. If a sexual assault or rape should occur, staff on the scene, including Campus Police, will offer the victim a wide variety of services. Referrals for confidential assistance may be made to Wayne Uplift Resource Association. Wayne Uplift’s crisis line number is (919) 736-1313. The National Sexual Assault Hotline is (800) 656-HOPE (4673).

Crimes should be reported to Campus Police to ensure inclusion in the annual crime statistics and to aid in providing timely warning notices to the community, when appropriate. For example, a crime that was reported only to Wayne Uplift Resource Association would not be included in the WCC crime statistics.