Limited Admissions Committee (Allied Health)

The Limited Admissions Committee will review each completed application for a limited admission program and consider criteria including scores on placement and other tests, recommendation of the department chair, academic achievement, and such other factors as the committee may deem appropriate.

The Limited Admissions Committee will take one of the following actions on each application reviewed:

  1. Recommend acceptance to the Director of Admissions and Records.
  2. Recommend to the Director of Admissions and Records that the applicant be placed on a waiting list.
  3. Defer recommendation to the next meeting of the Limited Admissions Committee.
  4. Recommend to the Director of Admissions and Records that the applicant not be accepted.

Applicants may request a review of their application within 10 days of notification of the Limited Admissions Committee’s action to discuss the application and ranking of the applicant. An appeal may be requested to the Allied Health Coordinator within 5 days after the application review. The Allied Health Coordinator will arrange a meeting with the chair of the Limited Admissions Committee to discuss the application and ranking of the applicant. If the applicant desires to continue the appeal, arrangements are made for a personal appearance by the applicant before the Limited Admissions Committee at the next meeting. Recommendations of the committee made as a result of such appeal shall be final.