Special Studies Students
A Special Studies classification is designed for students who want to enroll in courses without completing admissions requirements or declaring a program of study. Special Studies students are usually permitted to accumulate 15 semester hours before fulfilling the regular admission requirements. Special Studies students must complete an application, a residence status form, and an interview with a counselor.
If a Special Studies student elects to enroll in a course for which there is a prerequisite, evidence of meeting the prerequisite is required. This evidence includes appropriate placement tests if the student elects to enroll in math, English, reading, computers or any other course requiring these as a prerequisite. Beginning college-level courses (examples: English 111, Math 110, Psychology 150) requiring a prerequisite will have the prerequisite(s) waived if the Special Studies student has earned an associate level or higher degree. Special Studies students who have some college credit but no degree will need to have a completed transcript evaluation to determine appropriate prerequisite completion if they want to enroll in a course requiring prerequisites. Students will need to request transcripts be sent to the Office of Admissions and Records or Counseling Services to verify degrees awarded or transfer credit. Special Studies students may also have a prerequisite waived if the Department Chair or Dean in the division in which the course is offered determines that the student has life experiences that supersede the prerequisite. Any waiver of a prerequisite must be accompanied by written approval from the appropriate Department Chair or Dean.