Academic Progress

Academic Early Alert - When student performance is deemed unsatisfactory by the instructor prior to midterm (by the fourth week), that instructor may issue an early alert. The intent of the early alert is to notify students of poor academic performance and to jointly develop a plan of action for improvement. Early alert decisions may be made based on attendance, class work, homework, test grades, etc.

Academic Progress for Financial Aid Purposes - For students receiving financial aid, academic transcripts are reviewed at the end of each semester. All students receiving financial aid are required to maintain satisfactory academic progress (SAP).  A student is expected to maintain a minimum 2.0 GPA, pass at least 67% of all attempted credit hours, and not exceed 150% of the maximum time frame required to complete the eligible degree, diploma or certificate program they are enrolled in.

A student receiving financial assistance may be granted one semester warning period in order to make and/or maintain satisfactory progress. During the warning period, the student may continue to receive financial aid. If, at the end of the warning period, satisfactory progress standards are met, the warning status is lifted and the student is making satisfactory progress.

A student who fails to meet satisfactory requirements following the warning semester may be ineligible for financial aid at the college. A student who fails to make satisfactory progress may continue to attend the college without the benefit of financial aid.

More information about the SAP policy is available at

Appeal for Financial Aid Purposes - Federal regulations require the Financial Aid Office to apply minimum standards for cumulative GPA, pace, and maximum time frame to ensure students are progressing through their programs at a reasonable rate of time.  Financial aid may be suspended for students who fail to meet the minimum standards.

In some cases, academic difficulties may be the result of unexpected events beyond a student's control.  In some cases, failure to complete the designated program of study within the maximum timeframe may be related to extenuating circumstances.  When extenuating circumstances can be documented, the student has the right to appeal a financial aid suspension to the WCC SAP Appeal Committee based on the circumstances that led to the suspension.

Supporting documentation is required for any circumstance that can be reasonably documented.  A review of the appeal by the SAP Appeal Committee will take into consideration the student's entire academic history at WCC, the nature of the extenuating circumstance, relevance of supporting documentation, the plan of improvement, and the length of time it will take for the student to achieve satisfactory academic progress and/or the length of time it will take the student to complete the academic program.

Tips for Achieving and Maintaining Satisfactory Academic Progress

  1. Do not take on more classes than you can handle. The classes in which you are registered on the first day of classes are your attempted hours. Any withdrawals from this point on count as hours attempted but not completed.
  2. Follow your curriculum carefully. Taking classes outside of your major will count against your maximum time frame to complete your degree program.
  3. Be cautious about changing majors. The time frame to complete your program is cumulative and may not start over with a new program.
  4. Be aware that any prerequisites you have taken prior to being accepted into a new program will count towards the maximum time frame to complete the program enrolled in.
  5. Be aware that classes that are dropped after the “last day to drop” will count as both an “F” and as hours attempted but not completed.