Graduation Requirements

The following requirements apply to all programs; however, some departments may have additional requirements.

  1. All required and elective courses must be completed as prescribed in the catalog of record of the candidate for graduation.
  2. A 2.0 program grade point average must be met.
  3. Minimum reading requirements must be completed for each diploma and degree program as satisfied by a required Communications course (COM or ENG).
  4. All financial obligations to the College must be cleared.
  5. A minimum of 25 percent of semester hours, with a minimum of nine semester hours in the program, must be earned through Wayne Community College curriculum enrollment.
  6. Completed applications for graduation must be received by the published deadline.  Applicants for graduation who are walking in the ceremony must purchase their caps and gowns.   Upon recommendation of the Department Chair and approval of the Vice President of Academic and Student Services, specific graduation requirements may be waived.  Request for duplicate or replacement diplomas should be made to the Office of Admissions and Records and will be prepared at a cost of $20.  Two weeks should be allowed for processing.
  7. Students graduating from diploma or associate degree programs with a 3.5 cumulative grade point average or higher will graduate with Honors. Grade point averages are not rounded.