Consequences of Traffic and Parking Violations

  1. The following system of citations and fines shall be used:
    1. Campus Police shall be responsible for issuing citations for improper parking and other Traffic Code violations.
    2. Fines
      1. Violations of the Traffic and Parking Policy carry a $25 fine for each violation.
      2. Fines shall be made payable to Wayne Community College and receipted by the cashier.
      3. Fines must be paid immediately after all appeals have been exhausted; or if the person has not filed notification of the intent to appeal, immediately following his/her last hearing; or ten calendar days after the ticket was issued and the time for appeal has expired; whichever is greater.
  2. In addition to the standard fines imposed for violations of the Traffic Code, the following penalties may also be imposed:
    1. All of those provisions detailed in North Carolina General Statute 115D-21 and Section 20.
    2. The College shall prohibit a student from registering for classes for the next semester if the student owes fines from the previous semester.
    3. The College shall withhold transcripts and deny graduation for students for failure to pay fines.
    4. Faculty and staff will be subject to disciplinary procedures in accordance with College policy.
    5. Delinquent fines will be added to the student’s financial account with the College. The student will not be permitted to re-enroll until fines are paid.
    6. Students who accumulate five or more traffic citations for parking and traffic violations will lose their parking and driving privileges on campus for the remainder of the semester in which the violations have occurred and for the following semester.
    7. Any vehicle left on campus for one week or more without properly notifying Campus Police will be considered abandoned and towed at the owner’s expense.
    8. When a vehicle which is improperly parked so as to obstruct the flow of traffic or movement of other vehicles is identified, the driver of the vehicle will be notified immediately. This may require calling the student out of class. If a student is notified more than once to move his/her improperly parked vehicle, his driving privileges on the College campus may be revoked.