Student Life


The College does not have dormitory facilities. Students wishing to live away from home must arrange their own living accommodations and the College does not assume responsibility for the supervision of such housing.

Social and Cultural Activities

Wayne Community College is interested in developing all students to their potential. The College strives to offer the utmost in academics as well as social and cultural activities to build a well-rounded person. Lectures, cookouts and various exhibits are held periodically during the year.

Student Government Association

The Student Government Association was organized in the Fall of 1963. The purpose of this organization is to promote in each student a personal sense of pride and responsibility in the College and to accept his/her democratic responsibilities as an American citizen.

The Student Government Association shall serve as the official organization conducting the affairs of its members. All curriculum students who pay activity fees are members of the Student Government Association. The Student Government Association shall provide forums for students to engage in out-of-class student development activities and shall serve as direct liaison to the administration of the College.

Wayne Community College encourages students to participate in the institution’s decision-making process. Students are encouraged to participate in the Student Government Association through which the president serves as a non-voting member of the WCC Board of Trustees. In addition, there are several institutional committees where student input is needed and volunteers are sought. Students interested in serving should contact the Director of Student Activities.

Dr. Clyde A. Erwin, Jr. Library

The Dr. Clyde A. Erwin, Jr. Library provides resources to assist students, faculty, and staff in their research and actively supports the College mission by the ongoing development of a print and electronic collection devoted to enhancing the curriculum. Library services are offered to traditional students and distance learners, as well as to the general public of Wayne County.

Offerings of the Library include the following:

  • Over 36,000 circulating print books supplemented by nearly 400,000 ebooks
  • Over 80,000 streaming videos
  • Thousands of fully-searchable online magazines, newspapers and journals available for in-library and remote use
  • 32 desktop computers and headphones for research and homework with WCC username login or guest pass
  • The WCC Single Search discovery service, providing access to NCLIVE along with 62 other research databases for article, ebook and digital video resources
  • Customizable information literacy or group study sessions in the Library Literacy Lab as well as presentations given off-site or available in Moodle course pages
  • Services for creating scans, photocopying, laser printing and wireless printing
  • Reference and research assistance in person, by telephone or e-mail
  • 4 group study pods seating 6-8 people and a larger literacy lab offering many wall- and table-mounted outlets for reservation or use on a first-come, first-served basis

Hours of operation are:

Monday through Thursday - 7:45 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.

Friday - 7:45 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

(Hours may vary during Summer Term.)

The Dr. Clyde A. Erwin, Jr. Library is located on the third floor of the Wayne Learning Center building. For more information, call (919) 739-6891 or visit online at the library


Accessibility Services

Accessibility Services provides services and support to Wayne Community College students who require accommodations for equal access to programs, services, facilities and activities.  We are committed to providing equal and integrated access as our legal responsibility in accordance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act. 

Our goal is to enhance disability awareness across campus and serve as a resource to faculty in helping them understand the laws and their obligation in providing equal access to our students with disabilities.

Students who need accommodations must register with the Accessibility Services Office located in the Wayne Learning Center, Room 181.  Contact the Accessibility Services Counselor at (919) 739-6729 - TTY (919) 583-8544 to register or for more information.

Wayne Community College has adopted an internal grievance procedure providing for prompt and equitable resolution of complaints that arise from any action prohibited by the Americans with Disabilities Act. Students with complaints should contact the Accessibility Services Counselor.