The goal of the Transitional Programs Department is to be responsive to the diverse educational needs of Wayne County’s adult citizens who are seeking an adult high school diploma or high school equivalency or to learn English Language skills and to attain skills to successfully navigate education and employment opportunities. To enroll, a student must be at least 18 years of age and must not be currently enrolled in a public school. Students who are 16 or 17 years of age must have special permission to enter the program.
Wayne Community College offers the tuition-free programs of the Adult Education continuum in North Carolina:
Our classes serve all of Wayne County, including special populations and agencies. The Transitional Programs Office is open Monday through Thursday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:45 p.m. and Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Summer hours may vary. The office is located in Walnut 220. For information on any of these programs and services, call (919) 739-6908.
Adult Basic Education (ABE)
Adult Basic Education (ABE) is a competency-based work-relevant curriculum focused on basic reading, writing, speaking, problem solving, and math skills. ABE provides the foundation of basic skills needed for additional studies in AHS or HSE and transition into postsecondary and the workplace. The ABE curriculum explores ways to enhance job performance, self-esteem, critical thinking, and life skills. It is designed to provide adults with sufficient basic education to enable them to benefit from job training and retraining programs. The ABE curriculum is taught through pathway modules in health or business careers which allow students to target specific academic and employment areas in a limited amount of time.
Adult High School (AHS)
The Adult High School program offers a 24-course program for adults 18 and older. Students under the age of 18 may enter the program with a release form signed by the superintendent of Wayne County Public Schools. This program is offered through a collaboration with Wayne Community College, the N.C. State Board of Education, Wayne County Public Schools and the N.C. Community College System.
Classes are held in traditional classroom settings as well as hybrid and online. A graduation ceremony is held each May.
High School Equivalency Diploma (HSED)
The High School Equivalency Diploma (formally known as General Education Diploma) prepares a student to pass a series of tests designed to measure general educational competence. It is a computer-based test offered by the GED ®Testing Service, Pearson Vue and a paper/pencil test offered by HiSET and PSI Services, LLC. Practice tests can be given to determine a student’s probable success on the official tests and individualized study plans are developed for students to prepare for testing. Upon successful completion of the tests, students are awarded a certificate that is recognized and accepted as equivalent to a high school diploma at 98 percent of colleges and universities.
The fee for the Official GED Test is $20 per test for a total of $80 for the entire battery of tests. The fee for HiSET paper/pencil tests is $15 per test for a total of $75 for the entire battery of tests. Classes are offered on campus and at other locations throughout Wayne County. The Official GED®Test is offered in a Pearson VUE testing center on the main campus. HiSET is offered in Walnut Building, Room 223.
Basic Skills Plus
Basic Skills Plus is a program designed to provide HSE and AHS level students with a pathway and support system to achieve postsecondary education and/or employment. The program offers an accelerated pathway for students to work on an HSE or AHS diploma while enrolled in curriculum or continuing education courses that can lead to a high demand career field such as Applied Technology or Allied Health.
English Language Acquisition (ELA)
English Language Acquisition is designed for adults who want to learn the English language skills necessary to function effectively in an environment where English is spoken. The curriculum provides skills in listening, speaking, reading, writing, and comprehension of the English language as well as basic life and work skills such as how to communicate with a child’s teacher and how to transition to postsecondary education and to a family-sustaining career. Classes are offered on campus as well as throughout Wayne County.
English Language Civics (EL-Civics)
English Language Civics (EL-Civics) classes teach students about the rights and responsibilities of citizenship. The naturalization process is learned along with civics and the government and history of the United States. Students are able to acquire the skills and knowledge necessary to become active and informed parents, workers, and community members. Students also learn information on how to become a United States Citizen.
Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA)
Adult, Dislocated Worker, and Youth Programs
The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Adult Program provides intensive training services to individuals age 18 and older who are at or below the level of self-sufficiency. Eligibility is based on household income. Services include financial assistance with tuition, books, and related educational expenses.
The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Dislocated Worker Program serves those who have lost their jobs because of layoff, downsizing or business closure. Services available include financial assistance with tuition, books, and related educational expenses. Applicants interested in the Adult or Dislocated Worker Programs should contact the WIOA office by phone at (919) 739-6797 for information about applications and/or assessment.
The WIOA Youth program empowers out-of-school youth ages 16 - 24 to obtain a high school credential, transition to a postsecondary program, build leadership skills, build financial literacy skills, and increase employability skills in attainment of an industry-supported job. Applicants interested in the Out-of-School Youth Program should contact the WIOA Youth Office in Walnut 220 or call (919) 739-6923.