Waiting List (Allied Health)

Qualified applicants who are accepted after the program positions are filled will be placed on a waiting list. A maximum of twenty persons will be listed in ranked order for Associate Degree Nursing, Practical Nursing, Dental Hygiene, and Dental Assisting, and ten each for Medical Assisting, and Medical Laboratory Technology. Establishment of a wait list for the Associate Degree Nursing (Advanced Standing Alternate for Graduate Practical Nurses) will be done at the discretion of the Nursing Department chair. Applicants on a waiting list will be notified if a vacancy arises for that academic year.

Qualified applicants applying after the programs are filled will be considered ONLY if the maximum number of persons on a waiting list has not been met.

Applicants on the waiting list for admission for the current academic year will not be automatically carried over to the following year(s). The applicant must REAPPLY to be considered for admission in the following year(s).