Prevention and Education

Safety/Security Awareness Programs

Campus Police Officers discuss safety and security procedures throughout the year at employee orientation sessions and College student success classes, referencing important safety reminders and procedures. College officials and guest speakers discuss safety and security issues during special programs and meetings throughout the school year, such as the annual safety fair.

The Chief of Campus Police publishes, when appropriate, serious incident reports through notification messages which are disseminated using bulletin boards, flyers, Web site, e-mail, text, voice, Magic-Net, and other announcement forms. The purpose of this notification is to aid in the prevention of similar occurrences.

During ACA orientation classes, students are informed of services offered by Campus Police. Presentations outline ways to maintain personal safety. The Annual Safety and Security Report is made available to students. Crime Prevention Programs and Sexual Assault Prevention Programs are offered. In addition to orientations and ACA classes, information is disseminated to students and employees through crime prevention awareness notices, security alerts, displays, e-mails, text messages, social media and in College publications, as appropriate.

Periodically, the WCC Campus Police Department, in cooperation with other College organizations and departments, present crime prevention awareness sessions on sexual assault (rape and acquaintance rape), Rohypnol abuse, theft, and vandalism, as well as educational sessions on personal safety.

Domestic Violence

Contact Counseling Services and/or Campus Police to report domestic violence concerns that could impact personal or campus safety. Submit copies of any restraining orders to Campus Police. For local assistance, contact Wayne Uplift at (919) 736-1313.

Suicide Prevention

Crisis counseling and referrals are available through the Counseling Services Department. For community assistance, contact Eastpointe at (800) 913-6109 or the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at (800) 273-TALK.

Substance Abuse Education

The Substance Abuse Education Program provides services related to drug use and abuse including dissemination of informational materials, educational programs, counseling services, referrals and College disciplinary actions. WCC’s Counseling Services Department provides an overall coordination of the Drug-Free Campus Program. However, some services are the responsibility of other areas of the institution. These include:

  • Alcohol and Drug Education: Student Activities
  • Counseling Services: Counseling Services Department
  • Referral Services: Counseling Services Department
  • College Disciplinary Actions: Curriculum/Workforce Continuing Education and Transitional Programs for College and Career Review Committees.

Drug Counseling and Rehabilitation

If anyone needs assistance for any reason related to the use/abuse of drugs or alcohol, a member of the WCC counseling staff will act as a referral source to the following services in Goldsboro and Wayne County:

Narcotics Anonymous (866) 321-1631
Eastpointe (919)587-0301
Alcoholics Anonymous (919) 735-4221

Wayne Community College Drug and Alcohol Prevention Program

The abuse and use of drugs and alcohol are subjects of immediate concerns in our society. These problems are extremely complex and ones for which there are no easy solutions. The College strives to encourage prevention of drug and alcohol abuse to the extent possible. The College’s prevention program includes an educational program aimed at preventing drug abuse and illegal drug use, therapeutic support through short-term clinical counseling and appropriate referrals, and deterrence through an active Campus Police Department. From a safety perspective, the users of drugs or alcohol may impair the well-being of all persons on campus; drug and alcohol use may also result in damage to College property.