Emergency Plans

Emergency Information Placards

Emergency information cards are located across campus in most corridors, classrooms, labs and other public venues. They are mounted to the walls in clear acrylic frames and consist of red and white cards, printed front and back with the following information: Emergency Evacuation Plan (by building/floor), Emergency Evacuation Procedures, Emergency Evacuation Plan Designated Evacuation Areas, Emergency Response Checklist, Emergency Levels, and Emergency Medical Protocols. Please familiarize yourselves with the information on these cards and the evacuation routes for the locations on campus that you visit.

Emergency Evacuation

A building should be evacuated immediately whenever the building fire alarm sounds or when instructed to do so over the public address system. When notified to evacuate the building, walk quickly and calmly to the nearest marked exit and alert others to do the same. Be sure to close office and classroom doors as you leave. Faculty and staff are to notify students and visitors in their respective areas to assemble in the areas designated. Once outside the building, report to the designated meeting area for your building.

At the beginning of each semester, each instructor should encourage individuals who will need assistance in exiting the building in case of an emergency to self-identify with the instructor and/or the Office of Campus Police. This will include wheelchair-bound individuals, those with any condition limiting mobility, visually or hearing-impaired individuals, and anyone else who might have difficulty following directions in an emergency situation. The names and locations of these individuals must be given to the Chief of Campus Police. Evac-Chairs are available on all upper floors. An Evacuation Assistance Team member may also be available to assist those individuals in exiting the building in case of an emergency.

Generally, building elevators are not available for use and those individuals with limited mobility may require assistance from WCC staff in using the stairs. If assistance is required by any individual who has not self-identified, please notify the Office of Campus Police at (919) 739-7050 or ext. 7050 from an internal phone, or the switchboard at ext. 0, and someone will be dispatched to assist in the evacuation.

Accident and Medical Emergencies Procedure

If you have a medical emergency, call 911 for EMS and ext. 0 or (919) 739-7050 to notify the Office of Campus Police and give the location and nature of the situation. Wayne Community College maintains basic first aid boxes and AED’s (automated external defibrillators) in every building. Anything beyond basic first aid will require outside attention by a medical provider. Under College policy, no medicines will be dispensed by College staff. A limited supply of basic pain relievers, allergy medicines and other over-the-counter items may be found in the Bookstore during normal operating hours for personal purchase.

In general, accidents occurring during WCC-sponsored activities will be covered by student and/or College insurance. The College generally will not be responsible for medical transport or any hospital or medical provider fees for personal illnesses.

Should a medical emergency requiring more than basic first aid arise, the procedures posted on the red Emergency Medical Cards located throughout the campus should be followed.

  1. Call EMS immediately at 9-1-1 and then call Campus Police at (919) 739-7050 to notify them of the situation, location, and nature of the accident or illness. Campus Police will escort the ambulance to the scene.
  2. Do not move injured persons unless:
    1. you are absolutely certain about their condition; or
    2. the person is in more danger if they remain where they are.
  3. In the event of a seizure, do not restrain the victim. Clear the area around the victim of everything that could be a hazard. If possible, put the victim on their side. Never force the victim’s mouth open.

All accidents involving students must be reported to the Student Activities Coordinator or to Campus Police after hours. Accidents involving guests must also be reported to the Business Office. It is important that these notifications be made prior to transport if possible so that appropriate insurance documents may be prepared and related agencies notified. Failure to follow procedure could result in claims not being covered.

Campus “Lock Down”

If a dangerous situation develops that poses a serious threat to the College and jeopardizes the safety of students or employees, a campus “Lock Down” will be initiated. “Lock Down” will be announced either by College personnel in a building, over the public address system, and/or by WCC Alert message, and will remain in effect until terminated by law enforcement. If you are in a classroom when you hear the “Lock Down” announcement, close the classroom door (and lock it if possible), move away from the door and close the window blinds. Keep low to the floor and out of line of sight with the door. Stay there until instructed to do otherwise by law enforcement or until the “ALL CLEAR” is sounded.

If you are in a hallway or outside when “LOCK DOWN” is announced, please take cover immediately by getting into a building and into a room. If you can’t do either, take cover behind any object you can find. Stay there until instructed otherwise by law enforcement.

Campus Evacuation

If a “campus state of emergency” is declared, all nonessential personnel, students, and visitors must immediately begin an orderly evacuation of the campus as directed. The Campus Police Department will assist in directing traffic to ensure the safest and quickest evacuation.

Severe Weather Alert

In the event that a severe weather warning indicates an immediate threat to individuals at a WCC facility, the campus will be alerted by way of the public address system, Campus Police, and/or WCC Alert message, and the plan below will be activated. Please close all windows and doors before you leave your area. If time permits, disconnect all electrical and computer equipment before you leave your area. Everyone is to remain in the designated safe area(s) until notified by Campus Police that all is clear.

  1. Azalea, Dogwood, and Wayne Learning Center Buildings: Everyone should immediately proceed to the first and second floors of their respective buildings and assemble in the safe shelter areas away from outside doors and windows (interior rooms such as classrooms, closets, rest rooms, break rooms, kitchenettes, hallways, or stairwells).

    In the WLC building, people in the dining hall, atrium, student lounge and other open areas should proceed to Moffatt Auditorium if safe to do so, move to the front row and fill in from the middle of the center section out to the aisles and from the walls back to the aisles on the right and left wing seating areas. This will facilitate getting everyone to safety as quickly as possible.

  2. Aviation and Hangar Buildings: All individuals should immediately proceed quickly to the Aviation classroom building away from outside doors and windows for safe shelter if time permits.
  3. Hocutt Building: Everyone on the first floor should assemble in the automotive area away from doors and windows. Individuals on the second floor should proceed to the interior hallway or other interior rooms with no outside doors or windows.
  4. Maple Building: All individuals should immediately proceed to the Prep Booth, Room 102, or to the Storage Room 101 and stay away from outside doors and windows.
  5. Cedar, Holly, Oak, Pine, Spruce, and Walnut Buildings: All individuals should remain on the floor they are on and seek safe shelter away from outside doors and windows.
  6. Wayne Works: Assemble in the designated severe weather shelter areas away from outside doors and windows (rest rooms, interior offices, classrooms, labs, and meeting rooms).
  7. Individuals in service buildings or elsewhere on the grounds should seek immediate shelter in the nearest brick building or lay flat in a ditch or low-lying area if time does not permit getting inside a building.