Campus “Lock Down”

If a dangerous situation develops that poses a serious threat to the College and jeopardizes the safety of students or employees, a campus “Lock Down” will be initiated. “Lock Down” will be announced either by College personnel in a building, over the public address system, and/or by WCC Alert message, and will remain in effect until terminated by law enforcement. If you are in a classroom when you hear the “Lock Down” announcement, close the classroom door (and lock it if possible), move away from the door and close the window blinds. Keep low to the floor and out of line of sight with the door. Stay there until instructed to do otherwise by law enforcement or until the “ALL CLEAR” is sounded.

If you are in a hallway or outside when “LOCK DOWN” is announced, please take cover immediately by getting into a building and into a room. If you can’t do either, take cover behind any object you can find. Stay there until instructed otherwise by law enforcement.