Emergency Evacuation

A building should be evacuated immediately whenever the building fire alarm sounds or when instructed to do so over the public address system. When notified to evacuate the building, walk quickly and calmly to the nearest marked exit and alert others to do the same. Be sure to close office and classroom doors as you leave. Faculty and staff are to notify students and visitors in their respective areas to assemble in the areas designated. Once outside the building, report to the designated meeting area for your building.

At the beginning of each semester, each instructor should encourage individuals who will need assistance in exiting the building in case of an emergency to self-identify with the instructor and/or the Office of Campus Police. This will include wheelchair-bound individuals, those with any condition limiting mobility, visually or hearing-impaired individuals, and anyone else who might have difficulty following directions in an emergency situation. The names and locations of these individuals must be given to the Chief of Campus Police. Evac-Chairs are available on all upper floors. An Evacuation Assistance Team member may also be available to assist those individuals in exiting the building in case of an emergency.

Generally, building elevators are not available for use and those individuals with limited mobility may require assistance from WCC staff in using the stairs. If assistance is required by any individual who has not self-identified, please notify the Office of Campus Police at (919) 739-7050 or ext. 7050 from an internal phone, or the switchboard at ext. 0, and someone will be dispatched to assist in the evacuation.