WCC Student Government Association Constitution


We, the students of Wayne Community College, in order to foster a spirit of cooperation and sense of community among students, faculty, staff, and other community residents, coordinate and regulate student activities, maintain a high standard for the college by upholding high standards of personal conduct, and develop good citizens through practical experiences, do hereby establish this Constitution for the Student Government Association of Wayne Community College.

Article I

Name - The name of this organization shall be the Student Government Association (SGA) of Wayne Community College.

Article II

Purpose - The Student Government Association of Wayne Community College shall serve as the official organization conducting the affairs of its members. The Student Government Association shall provide forums for students to engage in out-of-class student development activities and shall serve as direct liaison to the administration of the college.

Article III

Principles and Policies - The Student Government Association shall at all times uphold the principles and policies of Wayne Community College.

Article IV

Membership - The membership shall consist of all students who pay the student activity fee.

Article V

Administration - The Student Government Association shall be divided into two branches: Legislative and Executive.

  • Section A. The General Assembly shall serve as the Legislative Branch of the Student Government Association.
  • Section B. The Executive Board of Officers shall serve as the Executive Branch of the Student Government Association.

Article VI

Meetings - The General Assembly and the Executive Board of Officers of the Student Government Association shall hold four monthly meetings per semester.

  • September and January meetings will be held on a Monday at 12 noon.
  • October and February meetings will be held on a Tuesday at 4:00 p.m.
  • November and March meetings will be held on a Wednesday at 12 noon.
  • December and April meetings will be held on a Thursday at 4:00 p.m..

Meeting times will alternate to allow for all General Assembly representation. Meeting locations will be determined by SGA advisors. The President of the SGA may call for an unscheduled SGA meeting with at least seven calendar days notification. Robert’s Rules of Order will be used and all questions of order shall be decided by Robert’s Rules of Order Revised.

Article VII

Amendments - Amendments to the constitution and/or changes to the bylaws must be requested in the form of a motion during a Student Government Association meeting and may be requested by any member of the General Assembly or Executive Board of Officers. Amendments must be tabled for at least one meeting before the SGA can act on them. All amendments to the constitution or changes to the bylaws must be approved by a 2/3 vote of the General Assembly and Executive Board of Officers present during the meeting.