Intellectual Property

The College acknowledges the need to protect ownership rights in intellectual property as illustrated by, but not limited to, literary, dramatic, musical, artistic, and other intellectual and creative works as well as inventions, trade secrets, and computer software which are copyrightable or patentable.

Inventions, discoveries, copyrightable and other creative works that have the potential to be brought into practical use may result from the activities of Wayne Community College employees or students in the course of their duties or through the use, by any person, of Wayne Community College resources such as facilities, equipment, or funds.

The primary purpose of this intellectual property policy is to provide the necessary protections and incentives to encourage both the discovery and development of new knowledge and its transfer for the public benefit; a secondary purpose is to guide the generation of revenue for Wayne Community College and the Creators.

Upon the emergence of issues or disputes relating to intellectual property, the President will appoint an ad hoc Intellectual Property Committee composed of equal numbers of faculty and staff to make recommendations to the President concerning the disposition of the issue. In cases where a student is involved, a member of the Student Government Association will also be appointed to the committee. The President will make the final decision on the issue.

For more information and the full Intellectual Property Policy, go to