III. Academic Integrity

Wayne Community College expects all students to maintain the highest standards of academic integrity. A violation of academic integrity includes but is not limited to the following:

  • Acquiring or attempting to acquire possession of any academic material not intended for students (test information, research papers, notes, etc.)
  • Receiving or giving help or attempting to receive or give help during a test
  • Submitting papers or reports (that are supposed to be original work) which are not entirely the student’s own, not giving credit for others’ work (plagiarism), etc.
  • Permitting one’s academic work to be represented as the work of another
  • Substituting for another student in order to meet course requirements
  • Use of cell phones or other electronic communication devices in the classroom setting unless under the instructor’s direction.
  • Intentional plagiarism is a form of intellectual theft that violates widely recognized principles of academic integrity.

Plagiarism may occur with respect to unpublished as well as published material. Intentional plagiarism is the act of representing the words, ideas, or data of another as one’s own without providing proper attribution to the author through quotation, reference, or footnote.

At the discretion of the instructor, any student who violates the academic integrity of the College will be subject to one or more of the following sanctions:

  • Student receives a grade of “0” on the assignment or test
  • Student receives “F” in course
  • Student is removed from program if they are enrolled in a limited enrollment program.

All violations of academic integrity must be reported to the instructor’s immediate supervisor. Students may be subject to the disciplinary procedures and sanctions described herein. All students have the right to appeal any decision by the instructor, dean, or designee according to the Grade Appeal Process.