IV. Student Code of Conduct

The College reserves the right to maintain a safe and orderly educational environment for students and staff. Therefore, when, in the judgment of college officials, a student’s conduct disrupts or threatens to disrupt the college community, appropriate disciplinary action will be taken to restore and protect the sanctity of the community. Students and student organizations are expected to conduct themselves in accordance with generally accepted standards of scholarship and morality. This expectation applies to all students and student organizations at College-sponsored events whether on-campus, off-campus, or at a distance. The purpose of this code is not to restrict student rights but to protect the rights of individuals in their academic pursuits.

The following regulations set forth rules of conduct which prohibit certain types of student behavior. Violation of one or more of the following regulations may result in the application of one or more sanctions.

  1. Academic Dishonesty - taking or acquiring possession of any academic material (test information, research papers, notes, etc.) from a member of the College staff or student body without permission; receiving or giving help during tests; submitting papers or reports (that are supposed to be original work) that are not entirely the student’s own; not giving credit for others’ work (plagiarism).
  2. Theft of, misuse of, or damage to College property; or theft of or damage to property of a member of the College community or a campus visitor on College premises or at College functions; unauthorized entry upon the property of the College or into a College facility or a portion thereof which has been restricted in use and thereby placed off limits; unauthorized presence in a College facility after closing hours.
  3. Possession of or use of alcoholic beverages or being in a state of intoxication on the College campus or at College sponsored or supervised functions off-campus or in College owned vehicles. Possession, use or distribution of any illegal drugs, except as expressly permitted by law. Any influence which may be attributed to the use of drugs or of alcoholic beverages shall not in any way limit the responsibility of the individual for the consequences of his/her actions.
  4. Lewd or indecent conduct including public, physical or verbal action (profanity) or distribution of or wearing clothes bearing obscene or libelous written material to the extent that such conduct is disruptive to the mission of the College.
  5. Mental or physical abuse of any person on College premises or at College-sponsored or College-supervised functions, including verbal or physical actions which threaten or endanger the health or safety of any such persons or which promote hatred or racial prejudice.
  6. Any act, comment, or behavior which is of a sexually suggestive or harassing nature and which in any way interferes with a student’s or an employee’s performance or creates an intimidating, hostile or offensive environment.
  7. Intentional obstruction or disruption of teaching, research, administration or disciplinary proceedings, or other College activities, including public service functions, and other duly authorized activities.
  8. Occupation or seizure in any manner of College property, a College facility or any portion thereof for a use inconsistent with prescribed, customary, or authorized use.
  9. Participating in or conducting an assembly, demonstration or gathering in a manner which threatens or causes injury to person or property; which interferes with free access to, ingress or egress of College facilities; which is harmful, obstructive or disruptive to the educational process or institutional functions of the College; remaining at the scene of such an assembly after being asked to leave by a representative of the College staff.
  10. Possession or use of a weapon, anything reasonably resembling a weapon, or anything designed to inflict serious bodily injury on the WCC campus is strictly prohibited except as allowed by law. An implement used for the purpose of inflicting serious bodily injury, regardless of the implement’s intended use, will be considered a weapon. The WCC campus is defined as all buildings, College vehicles, walkways, out-of door areas, campus grounds, parking lots and the instructional areas of off-campus College programs and courses.
  11. Setting off a fire alarm or using or tampering with any fire safety equipment, except with reasonable belief in the need for such alarm or equipment.
  12. Gambling or games of chance unless as an approved Student Activities event.
  13. Smoking or use of tobacco products or any items containing or reasonably resembling tobacco or tobacco products on the WCC campus. This includes all buildings, facilities, College vehicles, walkways, out-of-door areas, campus grounds, parking lots and the instructional areas of off-campus College programs and courses.
  14. Violation of College regulations regarding the operation and parking of motor vehicles.
  15. Forgery, alteration, or misuse of College documents, records, or instruments of identification with intent to deceive. Falsification of admissions documents resulting in incorrect information which could be used in the consideration of admission to the College, financial aid, or limited admissions programs.
  16. Failure to comply with instructions of College officials acting in performance of their duties.
  17. Violation of the terms of disciplinary probation or any College regulation during the period of probation.
  18. Fiscal irresponsibility such as failure to pay College-levied fines, failure to repay College-funded loans, or the passing of worthless checks to College officials.
  19. Violation of a local, state, or federal criminal law on College premises adversely affecting the College community’s pursuit of its proper educational purposes.
  20. Use of cell phones or other electronic communication devices in the classroom unless under the instructor’s direction.
  21. Eating or drinking in classrooms, laboratories, shops, and the Library is prohibited. Any exceptions must be requested in writing and pre-approved by the appropriate administrator.
  22. Computer misconduct including any activity that violates College computer and internet usage policies (e.g., TAUP) including any prohibited internet activities.